Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
13 November 2024

The regular´s table is an open regular philosophy/ science dinner.
This time we have three topics:
The first is a discussion of an outside lecture on Monday 11.11.24, in German*, by S. Mebs - he who calls himself a Kohlenstoff-Radikalinski.
We will talk about whether consciousness can only be developed by carbon based life forms, which have no alternative, on this planet, in the goldylock zone - that we know of. It is even more unlikely, with our current understanding of life, to find it off planet, with speculations about silicone as alternative, for non-goldylock zone planets. But silicone does not have the chemical properties do qualify, at least not in long chains.
“Silicon, atomic number of 14, more than twice the size of carbon, shares a group in the periodic table with carbon, can also form four valence bonds, and also bonds to itself readily, though generally in the form of crystal lattices […].” (Wikipedia on carbon based life, see also crystallography lecture in phencoco archive)
Where then, and how then, can consciousness be ‘produced’, by something other than a carbon based life form?
Is it unlikely or quite possible, to find consciousness in other materialistic environments than carbon?
The explanation will of course have to integrate the debate sourrounding the computational theory of mind. Lets see how it goes.
‘Consciousness’ is a term for human capabilities to phenomenologically feel, as well as rationally deliberate, at the same time, without any scientist ever being able to satisfactorily separate the postulated entities of body and mind, in their explanations.
In light of current events, it might be good to remind ourselves, that it is also a term referring to the metaphorical inner voice guiding us in moral situations.
With the second topic, we will touch on the US elections and the blatant criminal having been voted in as president, on Tuesday, as well.
And third, we are also happy to discuss vampirology as introduced by the Halloween lecture at the Humboldt University. This includes “The Leipzig Vampire Debate “.
Let´s not forget to have some fun…
Note on topic combinations:
The regular’s tables are philosophical/ scientific dinners for everyone and all topics are suggestions. Still to converge on topics beforehand means better discussions. Importance and current events flow into what people want to talk about, as well. Thusly we have three very different impulses for the upcoming dinner.
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin