Colloqium #30

Aug 24, 2024 at 12:00 pm CEST

Foto by Kamil Janus, souce: Foto by Kamil Janus, souce:
Foto by Kamil Janus, souce:


presentation summary tba


…some information on a current play about diversity:

“Author Golda Barton has relocated Anton Chekhov’s conversation piece “Three Sisters” to the 1990s and a US military base in Berlin. The sisters now also talk about their experiences of racism in their fluffy Berlin room. The new version was staged by actress and director Isabelle Redfern.”

This quote is part of an article at Nachtkritik:



Isabelle Redfern: Isabelle Redfern studied singing at Berlin University of the Arts and acting at Hanover University of Music with Prof. Charlotte Lehmann and Carol Richardson-Smith and is currently being coached by Miriam Gordon-Stewart. She has also taken part in master classes with Christa Ludwig, KS Brigitte Eisenfeld, John Norris and Giacomo Aragall.


Isabelle Redfern was a finalist in the Belcanto Competition Graz 2014 and in the Magda Olivero Competition, concorso lirico internationale 2014.


She was a chorus member at the Bayreuth Festival in 201o and 2011 for “Lohengrin”, “Meistersinger”, “Parsifal” and “Tannhäuser”, as well as a substitute in the Basel Opera Choir.

She sang in independent music theater productions at the Prater of the Volksbühne Berlin, Sophiensäle Berlin, Ballhaus Naunynstrasse Berlin and for the company MamaNoSing. She sang in

opera projects at the Prater of the Volksbühne Berlin (“Tristan und Isolde”, Brangäne) and at Sophiensäle Berlin and at Ballhaus Naunynstrasse Berlin (“Morgen früh, wenn Gott will” and “Brehms Frauenleben”), as well as in

“Pariser Leben” at Deutsches Theater Göttingen, but also in musicals such as “Asyl” (Stadttheater Heilbronn) and “Little Shop of Horrors” and “Nachtschwestern” in various German theaters, as well as in

“POEtry” by Robert Wilson and Lou Reed at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Hets Musiktheater in Amsterdam and the Théatre de lOdéon in Paris, she appeared in “Inferno d’amore” at the Hanover State Opera.

Isabelle Redfern has sung under Thomas Hengelbrock, Sebastian Weigle, Christian Thielemann and Daniele Gatti.

As a freelance actress for theater, film and television, she worked in the 2014/15 season at the Schloßparktheater Berlin, the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, the Gorkitheater Berlin and premiered “Geächtet” at the Schauspielhaus Hamburg on 16 Jnauary 2016. This year, Isabelle Redfern filmed “Rote Rosen” and the lead role in “Alles aus Liebe” for ARD, as well as “Teffen sich zwei” for ZDF/ Kleine Fernsehspiel.

Material on Isabelle Redfern

Colloqium Material