Colloquia and Open Philosophy Dinners
- #∞ Open philosophy dinner
- #∞ 10 Years PHENomenology COgnition COmputation
- #∞ Christmas/Annual get together 2024
- #∞ Open Regular’s Table November 24
- #32 AI: Dream - not technology
- #∞ Open regular´s table 09.10.24
- #31 {Talk} Artificial Intelligence: Catalyst for Societal Transformation
- #∞ Open regular´s table 11.09.24
- #30 {Discussion} Artificial Intelligence: Catalyst for Societal Transformation
- #∞ Open regular´s table 14.08.24
- #29 Crystallography: Phenomenology of crystals and computer aided structural elucidation on the atomic level
- #∞ Open regular´s table 10.07.24
- #28 Forms of harassment
- #∞ Open regular´s table 19.06.24
- #27 Significance of Social Media in Shaping our Decision-Making Process
- #26 The Element of life - Carbon
- #∞ Open regular´s table 20.03.24
- #25 Elemonsters - Making the Game
- #∞ Open regular´s table 21.02.24
- #24 Unprompted Discoveries of Near Future Economies
- #23 Whiteness in spheres and spaces - German context
- #22 Radical Universalism
- #21 Philosophy and Fiction
- #20 On Digital Control
- #18 Self-Reflexions on Digital Identiy
- #17 On the genealogy of privacy
- #16 Digital Self-Determination and Personal Identity
- #15 On drones and autonomy “Flying brains or airborne lemmings?”
- #14 AI and cognitive assistance systems
- #13 AI - again: ML and Neural networks
- #12 On non-technological characterisations of intelligence
- #11 Imagination, Intelligence and Identity
- #10 On open source, free vs proprietary software & intellectual property
- #9 Technological nuances of artificial intelligence systems
- #8 The need for magic - On AI, translation & navigation
- #7 Artificial Ignorance and Digital Counter-Enlightenment & User Experience Design
- #6 On Distributed Cognition
- #5 On Embodiment
- #4 On Mind and Language
- #3 On Phenomenology
- #2 On Computation
- #1 On Cognition
- #0 Kick Off Meeting
Special-Guest Workshops
Workshops, Colloquia and Open Philosophy Dinners
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open philosophy dinner
26 February 2025

The open phil dinner or ‘regular´s table’ is a good place to talk philosophy and science. Do join, if you feel like talking helps you to think. Do join, if you reflect a lot and want to share. Or join if the colloquia are of interest to you. :)
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
10 Years PHENomenology COgnition COmputation
31 January 2025

PhenCoCo has been around a bit, by now. Over the years, the purpose, team and mode of meeting has changed, due to different inputs and developments. We started as a small group of students at the Humboldt Univrsity and decided to do an own working group on the overlaps and possibly interesting … read more
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Christmas/Annual get together 2024
11 December 2024

We are dreaming of a white … noise - navigating through the world of topics in tech, society and more.
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open Regular’s Table November 24
13 November 2024

The regular´s table is an open regular philosophy/ science dinner.
This time we have three topics:
The first is a discussion of an outside lecture on Monday 11.11.24, in German*, by S. Mebs - he who calls himself a Kohlenstoff-Radikalinski.
We will talk about whether consciousness can only be … read more
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #32
AI: Dream - not technology
19 October 2024

What do we mean when we talk about ‘AI’? To whom does this field of research belong? What do LLMs have in common with demons and improvisational theatre?
These questions, one might think, are trivial; with some going to far as to say stupid. But unfortunately artificial intelligence (AI) must be … read more
Jan Krämer: Jan Krämer is an ordinarily odd computer scientist, who, after a detour through cardiovascular physics, is now engaged in the AI-SKILLS project at … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 09.10.24
09 October 2024

We discuss the latest presentations, and anything else, burning a hole in your brain :).
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #31
{Talk} Artificial Intelligence: Catalyst for Societal Transformation
14 September 2024

Join us in this talk for a thought-provoking exploration of AI's transformative potential beyond its current applications. While acknowledging the challenges and justified fears surrounding AI, we'll explore unique opportunities to address systemic issues in our society. We will touch on topics such … read more
Cersten Frank: Cersten Frank is an independent coach who specializes in facilitation and organizational development. His focus is on volunteering and activism. After … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 11.09.24
11 September 2024

How much can we do and how much do we want to do with LLM´s? (Othr topics welcome, too).
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #30
{Discussion} Artificial Intelligence: Catalyst for Societal Transformation
17 August 2024

Discussion: Which experiences do you have with current AI models? How much use did you make of Chat GPT or other models? Did you use it for work or private matters? Does it help you think? Which troubles and which advantages do these systems bring? Translation jobs, as well as creative jobs in … read more
Cersten Frank: Cersten Frank is an independent coach who specializes in facilitation and organizational development. His focus is on volunteering and activism. After … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 14.08.24
14 August 2024

In vino veritas…
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #29
Crystallography: Phenomenology of crystals and computer aided structural elucidation on the atomic level
20 July 2024

Crystallography is by far the most widely used method for structural elucidation on the atomic level with about 50.000 new database entries every year. Structures include inorganic solid-state materials, such as natural minerals (e.g. quarz and diamond) and functional materials (e.g. used in … read more
Stefan Mebs: Chemistry studies in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin PhD 2009 in the chemistry department at FU-Berlin (X-ray diffraction/crystallography) Currently … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 10.07.24
10 July 2024

The open regular´s table is a good place to talk philosophy and science. Do join, if you feel like talking helps you to think. Do join, if you reflect a lot and want to share. Or join if the colloquia are of interest to you. :)
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #28
Forms of harassment
22 June 2024

This presentation will present notions of harassment, as found in literature, such as the UNICEF "Dealing with Harassment" Complaintant´s Guide.
This includes a discussion on a subset of examples, picking out specific concepts and circumstances.
The academic, analytic and sciological distinctions … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 19.06.24
19 June 2024

The open regular´s table will inform on new event opportunities surrounding PhenCoCo and is a good place to get to know the event-style and to check, whether you can use it for your own thinking processes. We take time to think - together and welcome both professional thinkers, as well as thinkers … read more
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #27
Significance of Social Media in Shaping our Decision-Making Process
06 April 2024

"Significance of Social Media in Shaping our Decision-Making Process"
Today, a swipe can land us a new pair of sneakers or deliver dinner to our doorstep, and a single tweet can spark a global movement. We are always just a push of a button away from making such choices. Every day, we face endless … read more
Anshul Shrivastava: From fitness coach to self-made entrepreneur, my journey has taken me from launching an Instagram fitness page to co-founding an e-commerce platform … read more
Colloqium #26
The Element of life - Carbon
23 March 2024
On earth, life is undoubtedly based on carbon (C), or more precisely: on carbohydrate chemistry, but does it have to be this way? Yes, because its position within the periodic system of elements (PSE) grants carbon a series of particular properties which let it stand out before all other elements! … read more
Stefan Mebs: Chemistry studies in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin PhD 2009 in the chemistry department at FU-Berlin (X-ray diffraction/crystallography) Currently … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 20.03.24
20 March 2024

The open regular´s table will inform on new event opportunities surrounding PhenCoCo and is a good place to get to know the event-style and to check, whether you can use it for your own thinking processes. As you might have gathered, we take time to think - together. And we are doing it since … read more
Dinner discussions: Café Marral, Torstr.222, 10115 Berlin
Colloqium #25
Elemonsters - Making the Game
24 February 2024

Elemonsters is a transmedia storyworld about the chemical elements, that have come to life as monsters – materialized in a card game. Think of it as “Pokémon with chemistry”.
In this lecture I will talk about the origin story of the idea, the several stages of development, the final output and its … read more
Andreas Dihm: After seriously trying to study physics for two semesters Andreas Dihm realized, that he will become neither a scientist nor an astronaut. Instead he … read more
Expert Guests
Stefan Mebs: Chemistry studies in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin PhD 2009 in the chemistry department at FU-Berlin (X-ray diffraction/crystallography) Currently … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Open Philosophy Dinner #∞
Open regular´s table 21.02.24
21 February 2024

The second regular´s table in 2024 - or should it be called open table? - was a run through of topics. Here a try to recap in an interesting fashion.
There were four of us, with backgounds in chemistry/ bio-physics, biology, narration/ media storytelling and philosophy/ measure and steering … read more
Colloqium #24
Unprompted Discoveries of Near Future Economies
15 April 2023

It seems unlikely for an AGI develop without an economy as the basis for its interaction with humans. Military applications are another conceivable path.
A well known narrow AI that—one might argue—specializes exactly on alignment agrees that the economy alone will not solve the alignment problem. … read more
Joaflux J.Stein: Joaoflux (yet another predictive model) Training Data: Works of fine art (mostly 20th century) Contemporary and 19th century fiction A small and … read more
Colloqium #23
Whiteness in spheres and spaces - German context
14 January 2023
In the aftermath George Floyd’s death, the debate on “Black Lives Matter” gained momentum also in Germany. BIPoC demonstrated with white people for equality and equity for BIPoC. Although many Germans rejected racism publicly, the notion was omnipresent that Germany’s racism is not as deeply rooted … read more
Cosima Werner: Dr. Cosima Werner, University of Kiel, Department of Geography
Colloqium #22
Radical Universalism
03 December 2022

Radical universalism is the end of the epidemic particularism, which has paralyzed left and progressive forces throughout the western societies in the last 40 years. Radical feminists such as Andrea Dworkin and Valerie Solanas exemplify how identity politics as a successful force from `68 until the … read more
Kristian Knall: I do not exist. I am a psydonym, Kristjan Knall. My books are unapologetically revolutionary, pseudo-scientific in the worst possible sense and should … read more
Colloqium #21
Philosophy and Fiction
27 November 2022

Philosophy actually has more than one beginning, and in the beginnings of philosophy, the principle of fiction plays a central role.
Two of the many beginnings of philosophy are being touched:
One beginning of philosophy in Greece, which is often understood as singular and monolithic, which can be … read more
Jörg Ossenkopp : For many years, Dr.phil. Jörg Ossenkopp has worked on the topic of philosophy as a way of life. For a living, he works on a freelance basis as an … read more
Colloqium #20
On Digital Control
01 October 2022
About the Presentation
A new book on fairytales about digitalization serves as an example of how narration can shape our experiences of the world. Such narration can be overt and covert, depending on the sovereignty of its protagonists. The philosophers Bentham and Foucault point out how society … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Colloqium #18
Self-Reflexions on Digital Identiy
September 2020

In reference to his own digital identity, Anil K. Jain reflects on the changes of identity construction in the course of modernity and its latest turns (ie identity vs. difference, biometry vs. data mining etc.). Finally, uptopian and dystopian aspects are discussed.
Anil Jain: Anil K. Jain studied political science, psychology and sociology at the LMU Munich and wrote a doctoral thesis on »Politics in (Post-)Modernity« under … read more
Colloqium #17
On the genealogy of privacy
July 2020
A lot of bandwidth is taken up these days with the question of privacy, but few have thought to question privacy itself. For how long have human beings been private? For how long has privacy even been possible?
Paying special attention to the Roman origins of the word privacy (as well as of … read more
Robert Dudley: Robert Dudley is a Fulbright Graduate Fellow and PhD from Duke University with a dissertation on Cicero's use and interpretation of Plato in the … read more
Colloqium #16
Digital Self-Determination and Personal Identity
May 2020

A look at how digital and analogue environments impact personal identity and the personal management of identity data
A study by the University in Köln tries to establish "digital self-determination" as research object (first version 2016, current version 2018) and to find out what society and … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Colloqium #15
On drones and autonomy “Flying brains or airborne lemmings?”
March 2020

"Drones and autonomy - “Flying brains or airborne lemmings?”
Two main question normally decide on the business and the legal success of the organizations - does the idea make sense and offer a sustainable business and will operations follow the rules. The speaker invites thinkers from science, art … read more
Michael Wieland: Michael Wieland studied electrical engineering at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, developed one of the first MBA programs in Germany at Steinbeis … read more
Colloqium #14
AI and cognitive assistance systems
January 2020
An introduction on assistance systems of unmanned aerial vehicles and cars, followed by a lecture on cognitive assistance systems, based on machine learning technologies and their implementation in traffic, health, knowledge systems and other areas.
We are going to draw on what we have … read more
Stefan Schaffer: Stefan Schaffer is a senior researcher and project manager at the Cognitive Assistants Department of the German Research Center for Artificial … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Colloqium #13
AI - again: ML and Neural networks
August 2019
An Introduction, and 1-2 Lectures on neural networks and machine learning technologies and their importance in economy and in general.
We are going to draw on what we have discussed in previous coloquia on AI, deep learning, what algorithms are involved and talk about some of these technologies in … read more
Joachím Gomez Prats: Dipl.-Ing. Joaquín Gomez Prats, Key Skills: Data Science, Machine Learning, Elektrotechnik, Prototyping, KI-Beratung, Vorträge. Wichtigste angewandte … read more
Colloqium #12
On non-technological characterisations of intelligence
July 2019

In nearly all of the past colloquia about Artificial Intelligence, someone in the audience asked the question, what intelligence generally is. This is in fact a very basic question – if we don´t know what intelligence is, we cannot attribute it to a specific subject, may it be a human being, an … read more
Katja Stepec: Dr. Katja Stepec, I am an independent researcher, mainly in the field of philosophy of language. I studied philosophy and history at FernUniversität … read more
Colloqium #11
Imagination, Intelligence and Identity
June 2019
Lecture 1: On What There Isn’t: Imagination, Impossibilities, and Counterfactual Reasoning
For the second half of the 20th century, and on into the 21st, phenomenologically evident imagination, i.e., imagination which any given individual consciously experiences and can uniquely – at … read more
Ed Reno: Ed Reno did his graduate work in philosophy at Yale University, and taught for a number of years after in the philosophy department at Fordham … read more
Jason Ciaccio: Jason Ciaccio holds a PhD in comparative literature from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He teaches in the English Department … read more
Colloqium #10
On open source, free vs proprietary software & intellectual property
May 2019

Lecture 1:
On the principles behind free software and “intellectual property”.
One way or another almost anybody got in touch with issues relating to so called “intellectual property”. Despite increasing usage, intimacy and dangers, when it comes to issues relating to the way software is produced … read more
Michael Scheppat: Michael Scheppat mastered computer sciences and also studied ancient greek philosophy (FU/HU Berlin). The rightful connection of those two desciplines … read more
York Johannsen: York is a Linux administrator who has been working with different setups and environments for many years. His passion for FOSS is both private and … read more
Colloqium #9
Technological nuances of artificial intelligence systems
March 2019
3 Lectures on Ai technologies and philosophical and social implications
1 On artificial intelligence and the technologies that supposedly amount to it. Speaker: Auris-E. Lipinski
2 Using evolutionary algorithms for neural network generation. Speaker: Kristina Georgieva
3 Mor(e)on: Why AI seems … read more
Kristina Georgieva: Data scientist, software engineer, poet, writer
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Alexander Mankowsky: Futurist Mercedes Benz AG & FU, Future Studies & Ideation as a working field requires explanation: Future Studies normally results in reports made … read more
Anna Strasser: After postdoctoral positions as scientific researcher and coordinator in Freiburg (Center for Cognitive Science) (2004-07) & Berlin (Berlin School of … read more
Colloqium #8
The need for magic - On AI, translation & navigation
January 2019

The need for magic: On artificial intelligence, translation & navigation
Introduction by Alexander Mankowksy
Presentation by Auris-E Lipinski: Translation as (magical) transformation in navigation and path descriptions
Presentation Katja Stepec: Translation as a criterion for Artificial … read more
Alexander Mankowsky: Futurist Mercedes Benz AG & FU, Future Studies & Ideation as a working field requires explanation: Future Studies normally results in reports made … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Katja Stepec: Dr. Katja Stepec, I am an independent researcher, mainly in the field of philosophy of language. I studied philosophy and history at FernUniversität … read more
Colloqium #7
Artificial Ignorance and Digital Counter-Enlightenment & User Experience Design
November 2018
14:00 h Introduction AEL
14:20 h R.M. Presentation
15:20 h Discussion
15:50 h Pause
16:00 h A.J. Presentation
17:00 h Discussion
17:30 h Pause
17:40 h Diskussion of both presentations
About presentation 1
Digital Counter-Enlightenment and “User Experience Design”.
On Nudging, Tracking … read more
Rainer Mühlhoff: Rainer Mühlhoffs Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in der Ethik, Sozialphilosophie, Technikphilosophie und Medienwissenschaft der digitalen Gesellschaft. … read more
Anil Jain: Anil K. Jain studied political science, psychology and sociology at the LMU Munich and wrote a doctoral thesis on »Politics in (Post-)Modernity« under … read more
Special-Guest Workshop
Special Guest Workshop with Dan Zahavi: On Subjectivity, Empathy and Shame
November 2015
Topic: Self and Other: exploring subjectivity, empathy, and shame
The Workshop will put emphasis on a detailed reading of the book. Two preparation sessions will ensure our common ground for the matter and help prepare the presentation of Zahavi´s work.
Organisational co-operation with Anna … read more
Nicolas Zaslawski
Marine Kneubühler
Expert Guests
Anna Strasser: After postdoctoral positions as scientific researcher and coordinator in Freiburg (Center for Cognitive Science) (2004-07) & Berlin (Berlin School of … read more
Dan Zahavi: Dan Zahavi (born 1967) is a Danish philosopher. He is currently a professor of philosophy at University of Copenhagen.
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Colloqium #6
On Distributed Cognition
March 2015
Our sixth colloquium took place on 7th March 2015. It was a presentation and discussion of a take on distributed cognition and perception by Auris-E. Lipinski. It took place in the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Room 2093 and was a discussion on cognition beyond the individual, … read more
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Expert Guests
Martin Thiering (Expert Guest): rof. Dr. Martin Thiering's interdisciplinary, difference-theoretical-semiotic approach to meaning-making and shaping processes in multimedia and … read more
Colloqium #5
On Embodiment
October 2014

Our fifth colloquium "Embodiment" took place on 25th October 2014. It was a closer look on different versions of embodiment, situated cognition and related concepts with a focus on the Extended Mind Hypothesis.
Many approaches concerning the embodiment issues are motivated by a felt lack of … read more
Gonzalo Rojas: Former Teammate and Phenomenology/ Embodiment Student
Denis E. Vargas Gorenkov: Former Teammate and Phenomenology Student/Researcher
Expert Guests
Anna Strasser: After postdoctoral positions as scientific researcher and coordinator in Freiburg (Center for Cognitive Science) (2004-07) & Berlin (Berlin School of … read more
Colloqium #4
On Mind and Language
May 2014
Our fourth workshop "Mind and Language" took place on the 31st May 2014 and had a keen eye on the way how functionality, intentionality and language are intertwined, what the role of language in different moments is or can be, in relation to perception and our 'mental' concepts.
A look on how the … read more
Sophie De Beukelaer: Then, student of Philosophy and Medicine
Anna D´Andrea: Then, student of Philosophy and focussed on DAvidson and Mind and Language
Jens Schönherr: Former Teammate, Philsoophy BA, PC-Knowledge, Deep understanding of mental capacities.
Colloqium #3
On Phenomenology
April 2014

In our increasingly challenging world with its climate and biodiversity crisis, inequality, political division and conflict we must shift our focus. Instead of merely applying AI to our current system we must boldly reimagine the integration of AI to build the systems and the future we desire.
Denis E. Vargas Gorenkov: Former Teammate and Phenomenology Student/Researcher
Expert Guests
Martin Thiering (Expert Guest): rof. Dr. Martin Thiering's interdisciplinary, difference-theoretical-semiotic approach to meaning-making and shaping processes in multimedia and … read more
Colloqium #2
On Computation
February 2014

In our second Workshop (22nd February 2014), we covered the general grounds of computation and historical events leading up to system dynamics, artificial intelligence and more philosophically specific, the representational theory of mind and the computational theory of mind.
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Ralf Lipinski: CEO VIOM GmbH, Computer specialist
Expert Guests
Joscha Bach (Expert Guest): Bach has taught computer science, AI, and cognitive science at the Humboldt-University of Berlin and the Institute for Cognitive Science at Osnabrück. … read more
Colloqium #1
On Cognition
January 2014
In our first colloquium (25th January 2014) we covered the grounds of cognition in general and cognition in philosophy.
Jens Schönherr: Former Teammate, Philsoophy BA, PC-Knowledge, Deep understanding of mental capacities.
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Colloqium #0
Kick Off Meeting
October 2013
First Meeting of the PhenCoCo Project with a presentation on David Chalmers´’The Computational Foundation for the Study of Cognition.'
Auris–E. Lipinski: Auris-E. Lipinski is a studied philosophy teacher with experience in the tech industry, providing one-on-one lessons and tech-communications for … read more
Expert Guests
Martin Thiering (Expert Guest): rof. Dr. Martin Thiering's interdisciplinary, difference-theoretical-semiotic approach to meaning-making and shaping processes in multimedia and … read more